Our research shows that even before the pandemic, more than 50% of people in the Bay Area didn’t have enough money to pay bills. With unemployment increasing during the pandemic, life for many became even more precarious.
Direct Impact Last Year

people in the Bay Area connected with our grantees last year
Total Invested

July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020




Chronic Homelessness Initiative

Better Futures for Foster Youth

Relief Efforts* + Research Projects

* Emergency relief funds outside core portfolio
In addition to providing direct, unrestricted funding to our portfolio organizations, we invest in strengthening grantee impact, scaling our impact through systems change, and responding to crisis.

Strengthening Impact
Building the Capacity of Our Grantees

Scaling Impact
Changing Public Systems

Responding to Crisis
Targeted Approaches in Times of Need
Strengthening Impact
Building the Capacity of Our Grantees
Scaling Impact
Changing Public Systems
Responding to Crisis
Targeted Approaches in Times of Need
We hold ourselves accountable to making measurable progress toward a Bay Area where everyone will have the opportunity to prosper and where one’s background and identity do not predetermine success or failure.

An Urgent Crisis and Rapid Response
We build community to advance the most promising poverty-fighting solutions. When shelter-in-place began, we acted fast, doubled down, and enhanced our support of Bay Area communities in key ways:

Provided emergency funds to our current grantees so they could ensure families had cash for groceries and rent, as well as phones and computers so they could stay connected to school and services.

Responded to critical gaps found outside our issue areas by providing funds to organizations that serve neighborhoods facing food insecurity and undocumented families denied access to federal aid.
Even though COVID-19 changed everything, it didn’t slow us down. Because of the tenacity of our grantees and the generosity of our donors, from March 13 to June 30, 2020, we distributed $4.7 million in COVID-19 emergency response funds.


We invest in organizations that connect individuals and families to stable housing and services across the Bay Area and in innovative housing solutions to end homelessness.
Last year, 30,000 people in the Bay Area experienced homelessness.

people moved into permanent housing or avoided homelessness with services and support from Tipping Point grantees

Building the Capacity of Our Grantees
Photo Source: San Francisco Chronicle

Grantee —
Life Learning Academy
Life Learning Academy is a public charter high school serving young people who have struggled in other academic settings—over half of all its students don’t have stable housing. To allow students to focus on learning, the school decided to build housing on the campus itself. Tipping Point’s support helped them develop a fundraising and communications strategy resulting in $3.5 million in donations. A grand opening of the dorms was attended by Mayor London Breed and profiled in the San Francisco Chronicle. The first of its kind in the nation, today the dorms give 24 students a safe place to call home.
Chronic Homelessness Initiative


We invest in organizations that provide positive parenting and early literacy support to families with children ages 0–3, helping lay a strong early childhood foundation for school readiness and positive outcomes later in life.
80% of brain growth occurs within the first three years of life and many lifelong disparities between low- and high-income children are set in motion during infancy. High-quality services for parents and early care and education programs can greatly mitigate these disparities.
Tipping Point grantees supported:

babies through healthy births and immunizations

parents of young children attain knowledge, attitude, and behavior milestones

parents by facilitating job placements and education milestones

Changing Public Systems

Grantee —
First 5 Center for Children’s Policy
In its first year leading Tipping Point’s early childhood policy efforts, First 5 Center for Children’s Policy protected and secured key victories for children and their families. The Center worked with advocates to halt 10% cuts to the child care provider reimbursement rate, which would have devastated an already fragile field and further reduced limited child care options for essential workers and other families in need. It also successfully educated leaders in the state Department of Health Care Services to reverse a proposal to limit home visits and worked to protect state funding for home visits, ensuring home visiting services are maintained for 3,230 children 0 to 5 years old in the Bay Area.


We invest in organizations that strengthen access to college and improve graduation rates for first-generation low-income students.
Tipping Point grantee high schools predominantly serve socio-economically disadvantaged students. Across the state, 63% of students enroll in college, but for socio-economically disadvantaged students, only 55% enroll in college and only 33% graduate from college.
Last year,

of students at Tipping Point grantee high schools enrolled in college

college graduation rate at Tipping Point grantee schools

Building the Capacity of Our Grantees

Grantee —
Beyond 12
Beyond 12 leveraged Tipping Point capacity building funds to integrate a data engine that uses predictive technology to understand when a student is at risk of disconnecting from college. Armed with this data, they then target resources and college advisors to help students—many of whom are the first in their family to attend college—to stay on track.
Better Futures for Foster Youth


We invest in organizations that provide skills training and career advancement opportunities to help individuals secure quality jobs and increase earnings over time.
The Bay Area workforce—of which 3 in 5 workers are people of color—experienced a dramatic loss of wages and increased unemployment last year. For people coming to Tipping Point grantee employment programs, 62% of clients were unemployed and 80% were earning less than the federal poverty line.
Last year,

graduates of Tipping Point grantee employment programs—serving predominantly people of color—secured jobs

of clients completing skills training programs landed jobs with wages of $20/hour or above, enabling them to meet their needs

of workers who secured jobs the year before were still employed 12 months later

Building the Capacity of Our Grantees

Grantee —
Opportunity Junction
Opportunity Junction applied Tipping Point capacity building funds to update their information technology and digital infrastructure systems in an increasingly online world. When shelter-in-place hit, the organization swiftly transitioned to a virtual training and support model for their job readiness programs, ensuring that classes continued uninterrupted and their clients could continue on the path to economic self-sufficiency. Of the 12 graduates of the first cohort impacted by the pandemic, three already had job offers by the course’s end in June.

Responding to Crisis:
COVID-19 Emergency Response

4 Months, $4.7 million, 77 grants
On March 13, 2020, three days before shelter-in-place began in the Bay Area, Tipping Point launched our COVID-19 Emergency Response efforts. Leveraging the expert knowledge of our grantee leaders, we made timely and targeted investments in our existing portfolio as well as to new organizations to provide critical assistance to people disproportionately affected by the pandemic.
Meeting Urgent Needs—
Where the Money Went
March 13 – June 30, 2020
Compass Family Services + Homeless Prenatal Program

hotel rooms and support services for 3 months to families experiencing homelessness during shelter-in-place
Alameda County Food Bank

pounds of food per week, as much as 70% more than before COVID-19 hit

pieces of personal protective equipment for front-line staff and clients experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness

front-line shelter workers with weekly hazard pay
Monument Impact
For Contra Costa County undocumented immigrants:

families received cash, aiding more than 8,500 people in total
Caliber Schools
For family and staff:

individual mini-grants for food, shelter, medicine
YMCA of the East Bay
For early childhood program clients:

families received gift cards for food and supplies

children received home learning kits with books, balls, curriculum
On the Move
Provided direct rental assistance to:

youth so they could remain in stable housing placements
New Door Ventures

program participants received financial compensation
Canal Alliance
Provided funds to:

Latinx immigrants and their families—51% of Canal Alliance client households surveyed had one adult laid off and 73% experienced reduced income during the pandemic
Aspire Public Schools
Direct funds to:

low-income students and their families for food, rent, utilities
Nurse-Family Partnership
Moved program to telehealth to deliver:

phones provided to participants to stay connected to nurses

low-income caregivers with support from nurses
The Bread Project
To program graduates:

care packages with food and PPE distributed
First Place for Youth
Provided funds to:

youth for groceries, cleaning supplies, increased transportation costs
Loaves and Fishes of Contra Costa County
Altered serving and delivery of safety-net food program to account for the:

increase in need from before the pandemic

meals per week
Provided funds to:

students and their families for food, rent, remote learning, post-secondary expenses
Community Solutions
In Santa Clara County, provided:

to 5 undocumented residents who are the sole financial supporters of their families, lost their jobs during the pandemic, and did not qualify for unemployment or stimulus payments
Bay Area Nonprofits
Tipping Point staff delivered:

infrared thermometers

face masks

and essential safety supplies to our grantees so they could continue front-line services

Our Board covers 100% of our operating costs, so every dollar donated goes where it’s needed most.

Dignity Health
Mimi & Peter Haas Fund
Helen and Charles Schwab
Visa Foundation

Sergey Brin Family Foundation
Crankstart Foundation
The Dolby Family
Bradley and Chris James
Lyna Lam and Chris Larsen
Laszlo N. Tauber Family Foundation Inc.
The Anne Wojcicki Foundation

Anonymous (2)
The Bezos Family
Goldman Sachs & Co.
Help Hourly Workers Campaign
The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
Signe Ostby and Scott Cook through The Valhalla Charitable Foundation
Mariana Gantus Wall and Doug Wall

Anonymous (2)
Arrow Impact
Michelle Boyers
Devon and Pete Briger
Comcast Ventures
Tammy and Bill Crown
Cara Cutter and Dennis Phelps
Abby and Egon Durban
Priscilla and Keith Geeslin
Liz and Thomas Laffont
Ranee Lan and Jeremy Liew
Nellie and Max Levchin
Patrick J. McGovern Foundation
Anna and Mason Morfit
The Perkins Family
John Pritzker Family Fund
Eric Roberts
Ariadna and Brian Ruder
SoMa Equity
Claire and Holden Spaht
Charlotte and Alan Waxman
Danielle and Jed York

Anonymous (6)
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Carolyn and Andrew Chatham
Kate Harbin Clammer and Adam Clammer
Joelle Emerson and Aaron Levie
Beth and Brian Grossman
Harrick Family Foundation
Ironwood Capital Management
Heather and Jony Ive
Kathleen and Ted Janus
Walter S. Johnson Foundation
Kaiser Permanente
Sara and Frederic Kerrest
Kelsey and David Lamond
Levi Strauss & Co.
Loud Hound Foundation
Ravi Mhatre
Meredith and John Meeks
James Mi
Ursula and William Moffett
Jessica and Jason Moment
Mount Zion Health Fund
Susan and Bill Oberndorf
Katie and Matt Paige
JaMel and Tom Perkins Family Foundation
Stacy and Matthew Perry
Ruth E. and David G. Plant Charitable Fund
Qatalyst Partners
Rebecca and Tod Sacerdoti
Soniya Sapre and Rohan Nirody
Eva and Bryan Schreier
Leah and Ben Spero
Roxanne Stachon and Todd McKinnon
Alana and David Trujillo
Melody Howe Weintraub and Jerry Weintraub
Wells Fargo
Whitman Harsh Fund
Pat Wilson
Richard Yanowitch Family Trust

Anonymous (2)
BASE Family Fund
Bay Grove Capital LLC
The Louis L. Borick Foundation
Centerview Partners
Catherine and John Debs
Katherine and David deWilde
First Republic Bank
The Fisher Family
Cheryl Frank and Michael Linn
Freedom Financial Foundation
Ali and Richard Fried
Kirsten and Michael Green
Kelly Greenwood and Jules Maltz
JPMorgan Chase
Puja and Samir Kaul
Eurie Kim and Jason Cheng
Laura and David Krane
LSP Family Foundation
Caroline Fromm Lurie and Rabbi Brian Lurie
Margaret and Kevin Lynch
Fanny and David Marcus
Clare McCamy and Harrison Miller
Kathleen McIntosh and Michael Covarrubias
Katie and Steven L. Merrill
The Nissenberg Family
Sonja and Jon Perkins
The PG&E Corporation Foundation
Sanford Robertson
Rivi and Brett Rochkind
Silver Lake
Kaye and James Slavet
Elizabeth and Andrew Spokes
The Barry and Mimi Sternlicht Foundation
Dorian Stone
Susan and Jim Swartz
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation Inc.
Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe
Andrew Wheeler
Shannon and Dennis Wong
Samantha and Scott Zinober

Anonymous (2)
Alka and Ravin Agrawal
Amy Banse and Joe Dworetzky
Jocelyn and Ben Blumenrose
Jennifer Caldwell and John H. N. Fisher
Dan and Stacey Case Family Foundation
J. Scott Case
Shashi and Dipanjan Deb
Juliet de Baubigny
Sarah and Jason DiLullo
Elizabeth and Bruce Dunlevie
Melodie and Scott Dylla
Barry Eggers
Mary Jane Elmore
Randi and Bob Fisher
Lauren and James Ford
Michelle Gill and Brian Davis
Leslie and Alex Gleser
Glynn Capital Management
John & Marcia Goldman Foundation
Molly Graham and Alan Clifford
Jane and Wyatt Gruber / Gruber Family Foundation
Sarah Guo and Pat Grady
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and Arno Harris
Gabriela and Peter Hébert
Michaela and Jay Hoag
Hudson Pacific Properties
The Kay Family Fund
Hannah Kellogg
Lauren and Andrew Kowal
Karen and Liam Krehbiel
Elizabeth and Miles Lasater
Katherine and James Lau
Amy and Eric Liaw
Karen and Ronnie Lott
Lurie and Vogelsong Charitable Fund at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada
Tara Mark and Geoff Oltmans
Amy Marks and Adam Dornbusch
Anita and Santosh Mehra
Rina and Gary Meltzer
Jenny Baxter Moser and Matt Moser
Jennifer Moses and Ron Beller
Hadley Mullin and Dan Kalafatas
The Nussbacher Family
OMT Capital Management
Shreya and Sid Ramakrishnan
Robin and Jake Reynolds
Jenny and Gerald Risk
Linnea and George R. Roberts
Mindy and Jesse Rogers
Justin Dylan Ross
Melissa and Gabe Santos
Sobia and Nadir Shaikh
Dorlon and Dylan Simonds
Jane and Larry Solomon
Susan and David Tunnell
ValueAct Capital
Danielle and Brooks Walker
Marva and John Warnock
Jessica Zucker and Bradley Twohig

Anonymous (3)
Ali Abramovitz and David Cook
Pam and Larry Baer
Leslie Berriman and Nion T. McEvoy
Jackie and Mike Bezos
Bothin Foundation
Bright Funds Foundation
Butler Family Fund
Mei and Herald Chen
Amy Christensen Curby and Drew Curby
DivcoWest Real Estates Services LLC
Jennifer and Kenneth Duda
Douglas Durkin
Erol Foundation
Nancy and Phil Estes
Judy and Arnie Fishman
Denise Foderaro and Frank Quattrone
KT and Michael Foust
April Gargiulo and Mitch Lowe
Robyn and Frank Ghali
Amanda and Jamie Greene III
Colleen and Bob Haas
Catherine and Rob Hale
Katie Hall and Tom Knutsen
Carolen and Douglas Herst
Tyler Jackson
Bixby Jamison
Klingbeil Family Foundation
Mary Jo and Dick Kovacevich
Nona Lim and Derek Kennedy
David Lortscher
McKinsey & Company
Gale Mondry and Bruce Cohen
Jordan Moss
Heather and Oleg Nodelman
Laurie and Josh Olshansky
Annette and Michael Pearson
Peterson Family Fund
Catherine and Michael Podell
Nancy and Richard K. Robbins
Robert Shoes Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Rosekrans
RPX Corporation
Jaclyn and Dan Safier
Sand Hill Foundation
Emily Scott
Maya and Ned Segal
Susan Shipley and Craig Allison
Alissa Shipper
Valerie Sopher
Ann and Joe Stockwell
Daniel Sullivan
Ellen and Steven Taylor
Meredith and David Thacker
Mary and Jerome Vascellaro
Jessica and Matt Verrochi
Viking Global Foundation
Sue and David Viniar
Cynthia Weldon and James O’Hara
Abby and Jon Winkelried
Deborah Yeh and Mark Risher
Jon Ying Donor-Advised Fund
Misha Zatsman
Amy and Kurt Zech
Mary and Harold Zlot

Anonymous (13)
Arch Rock Philanthropy
Ballast Investments
Richard Barker
William Bartlett
Johanna and Tom Baruch
Ali Bastani
Nancy and Joachim Bechtle
Lily and Tom Beischer
Black Dog Donor-Advised Fund
Tina and Joe Bou-Saba
Annette Brands
Jill and Roderick Burns
Joseph Camarda
Sarah Chandler and Matt Theobald
Chorus Meditation
Christine Leong Connors and Scott Connors
Jonathan and Lisa Cryer
Frederique Dame
John Danner
Margo and Sunil Dhaliwal
Chuck Doud
Charles Eggert
Jessica and Michael Eisler
ENBE Charitable
Irwin and Concepción Federman
Nicola Fleischer and Andrew Wynn
Caroline Gaffney and Ryan Clark
Brooke and Jeremy Geller
Daniel S. Haas Fund
Katherine and David Hahn
Josh Hanna
Sean Kelly
Kessler Family Foundation of The Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund
William Kohler
Dee and Richard Lawrence
Glenn Lortscher
Karl Matthies Fund
Leigh and Bill Matthes
Katie and Justin McCarthy
Mitchell Stores Fund
The John W. Mooty Foundation Trust
Shawn H. Pattison
Patricia Perkins-Leone and Douglas Leone
Lindsay and Alex Ramsay
Alice and Benjamin Reiter
Alicia and Michael Rockefeller
Allison and Dan Rose
Lauren and Robert Ross
Barney Schauble
Beatrix and Michael Seidenberg
Chitrank Seshadri
Bessie and Billy Seybold
The Shakti Fund
Jon Sopher
Leela and Sam Stake
Sherry Suisman
Ms. Sullivan and Mr. Ross
Swig Foundation
Beth Sutkus Thompson and Blake Thompson
Abigail Turin and Jonathan Gans
Franny and Stanley Wang
Stephanie and John Warren
Chris and Steve Wilsey
Emily Wolahan and Nicholas Reavill
Jenny Yip and Michael Kim
Jim Young
Alexander Zirbel

Anonymous (8)
Sabrina Adriani and Jeremy Scherer
Cathleen Ahearn
Elizabeth Bender
BOK Modern LLC
Lesley Bunim and Michael Jensen
Kimberly and Josh Cannon
Huifen Chan and Roelof Botha
Cleo Capital
Em Eisenberg
Carl Eschenbach
Ora and Joseph Fisher
Michelle and Robert Friend
Gwendolyn Fyfe
Nancy and Richard Goldcamp
Melissa and Chad Herst
Leslie and George Hume
Janmohamed Family
Sneha and Vishal Kapur
Susan Ketcham
Chelsea and Scott Kohler
David LaHorgue
Feralee and Charles Levin
Rebecca and Alfred Lin
Elyse Lipman
Spike Loy
Ari Lurie
Lavonna Martin and Sam Cobbs
Alex McCarthy
Wendy McPherson
Paulette J. Meyer and David A. Friedman
Steven Miller
Meridee Moore and Kevin King
Courtney and Patrick Moran
Stephanie and Michael Moy
Madelyn and Max Mullen
Peter Oberndorf
Dana Polk and James Borninski
Susannah Raub
Kelsey Renz
Alison and Stephen Sanger
Erica and Bryan Schultz
Yiwen Sha and Aaron Staley
Holly Sheffield
Shanon and G. Christopher Smith
Sunday Sangha
Marjorie A. Swig Fund
Ned Topham
Steven Tran
UK Online Giving Foundation
Julie and Tim Van Voris
Ryan Wilsey
Jason Wolfe
Chien-Fu Wu
YourCause LLC
David Zilberman
Dr. Jessica Nutik Zitter and Mark Zitter

Anonymous (21)
Barbara and Fred Abbott
Sally Abel and Hanoch Eiron
Adelante Capital Management LLC
Sheila Aharoni
Joy and Jon Alferness
Christie Allair and Martin Dean
Alicia and Eric Allbin
Aspiriant LLC
Autodesk Foundation
Sudarshan Bahl
Molly and Adam Bain
Andrew Baldwin
Kelly Bathgate
Chantal and Curtis Below
Ruth Berggren
The Birnbaum Family
Rob Bland
Rebecca and Zachary Blume
Robin Boggs
Lisa and Brian Bogosian
Lynne Bosworth and Kevin Kranzusch
Heather and John Botti
Erik Bowen
Frish Brandt and Jeffrey Fraenkel
Silke Brendel-Evan
Pamela Burdman
Burns Morshed Family Fund
Amy Busch and Kevin Cameron
Deb and Jeff Byron
Thomas Campbell
The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
Bonnie Carlson and George Barry
Dr. Christine Carter and Mark Millstein
Carol and Lyman Casey
Alexis and Matt Causey
Kate Ceremsak and Alden Seabolt
Margery and Donald Cherin
Denise Chilow and Simon Bloch
Kathleen and Michael Chui
Janet Clyde
I. L. Cohen Foundation
Paula and Charles Collins
Jane Cote’-Cook
Sarah Cueva
Amanda Cundiff and Gregory Freemon
Beth and Andy Daecher
Lara Deam
Robert Debs
Susan Decker
Stuart Douglas
Peggy Dozier
Catherine and Ralph Drybrough
DuBose Family Fund
Education for Racial Equity
Betsy and Roy Eisenhardt
Carmelle Ellison
The Fan Family
Jane Ferrero
Carolyn Zecca Ferris
Fireclay Tile
First Giving
Caroline Fitz-Roy
Shirley Sun Forbes
Front Stream
Gabilan Fund
Sissy and Ted Geballe
Ali and Sean Giese
Linda and Rich Goldberg
Goldberger Barnett Donor-Advised Fund
Richard E. Goldman
Lori and Brian Goler
Paige and Mike Graziano
Susan Greenleaf and Jeff Whipps
Marsha and Ralph Guggenheim
Rita Guiliano
Lindsay and Hunt Hanover
Ann and Frank Hardenbergh
Brook Hartzell and Tad Freese
David Hermeyer and Samuel Wantman
Maryellen and Frank Herringer
Sally Hewlett
Matthew Hicks
Heather and Bill Hilliard
Kimberly and Jake Hobson
Josephine Holmes
Horizons Foundation
Charles Inman
Christina Jennings
Alexandria and Danny Johnson
Natalie Johnson and Louis A. Harrison
Jordan Park
Jenny and Theo Jungeblut
Michael Junker
The Kaplan Family
Nick Karmanos
Barbara and Ron Kaufman
Allison and Jamie Keenan
Anita and David Keller
Carol and Jason Kim
John Kobs
Janet Kodish and Dorian Newton
Ruth Krishnan
Jacqueline Kush
Sarah and Roberto Lartigue
Kimberly Latimer-Nelligan
Molly and Michael Levit
Xiaxing Li
Alicia Lieberman
Laura Lisowski and Stoney Cox
Coyne Lloyd
The LMRP Fund at the East Bay Community Foundation
Petra Loer
Boris Logvinsky
Thomas Loverro
Connie and Bob Lurie
Eric Lutkin
Rick Mariano
Sue and Phil Marineau
Joshua Marxen
Amy and John Mendez
Jessica Montell
Bibi and Eric Moore
Anna and Neil Mumm
Erica and Andrew Murray
Network for Good
Karyn and Jack Newman
Matthew Overman
The Parker Family Fund
Gina and Dave Pell
Leola and Kenneth Perkins
Tyler Phillips
David Piazza
Lauren and Paul Picciani
Katherine Plambeck
Pledgeling Foundation
Mahitha Rachumalla
Helen Hilton Raiser
Conner Raisin
Barbara Ravizza and John Osterweis
Jeannette Revel-Mauro and Tancredi Mauro
Mary Richerson
Ruth Richerson
Jessica Romm
The Rosendaz Family
Scott Rubin
Jen Rubio
Caroline Savello and Andrew Ofstad
Neil Schaefer
Emily and Jim Scheinman
Chara Schreyer and Gordon Freund
Julie and Neil Sequeira
Rebekah Sexton and Ajeet Shankar
Katie and Maz Sharafi
Lacey Shaw and Rod Begbie
Constance Smith
Sylvia Smith and Stanley Kowalski
Ann and Howard Sohn
Stewart Sonnenfeldt
Lori and Chris Stanton
Sacha and Joshua Steinberger
Mary and Mark Stevens
William Christopher Stockwell
Roselyne C. Swig
Laura and Nate Taylor
Pasha and Laney Thornton
Deanne Tucker Charitable Fund
Rachel Tully
Laura D. Tyson and Erik S. Tarloff
UC Berkeley ReUSE
Cathy Vigrass
Anna Walker
Kay Kimpton Walker and Sandy Walker
Summer and Brooks Walker III
Jeff Wang
CB and Dick Watts
Benjy Weinberger
Lucie and Jerry Weissman
Wetherby Asset Management
Charlotte Wheeler
Lou Ann and Blake Winchell
Andrew Wise
Heather Wright and John Pineda
Richard Xia
Martin Yee
Elizabeth Yin
Jessica Yu
Kevin Zielnicki
Mary Lou and Mark D. Zoback
Hilary Zucherman

Anonymous (22)
Asset Abdualiyev
Healy Adams
Allison and Steve Aldrich
Maria Amundson and Elliot Krane
Aude Anquetil
Andra and Nick Arevalo
Sid Banothu
Ayesha and Kevin Barenblat
Alex Barth
Katie and Cyrus Behroozi
Ana Bellomo and Joshua Bloom
Deborah Bishop
Oliver Bollmann
Jaime Bott
Liz and Cameron Breitner
Lynn B. Bunim
Errol Buxton
Erica Carlisle
Jean Chang
Georgia and Chris Collins
Beverly Correa
Gail and John Diserens
Michael Dussault
The Elfman Family Trust
David Ellingson
Jason Ellinwood
Joan Emery
Nancy Erba and Mike Lewis
Lara Ettenson
Karim Faris
Jennifer Fonstad
Ashley Frambach
Sara Fritsch
Jeff Garelick
Rhonda and Jody Geesow
David George
Marisa Giller and Roger Hacker
Elizabeth and John Givens
Sebastian Gladney
Mary Glide
Andrew Golden
Brian Goldman
Carol and Ben Greenspan
Kate Greenwood and Ken Leung
Johnny Griffin
Katie Guidera
Suresh and Usha Gupta
Laura and Scott Harrison
Louis Hellman
Patty and Christopher Hubbard
William Jackson
Jackson-Barg Philanthropic Trust of Horizons Foundation
Vanessa Jacobson-Burns and Matthew Burns
Dani Janklow
Jay Jeffers and Michael Purdy
Caroline Jett-Sun
Andrew Kaback
Atul Kalambur
Suzanne Kane
Chris Kemnitzer
Steve Kenning
Tracy Keyser
Seon Joo Kim
Sheryl and Tony Klein
Lauren and Brad Koenig
Nina Krauter
Zdenka Levy
Shirley and Joseph Lin
Dante Lombardi
Syida Long
John Malloy
Nathan Marsh
Deirdre Masterton
Anneliese Mauch
Debbie McCoy
Kimberly Meyers-Wirtz
Francine Miller and Daniel McLaughlin
Alexandra Moser
Amy Mullen
Mycelium Giving Fund
Ellen Magnin Newman
Elana O’Reilly and Sean Curran
Jennifer Pak and Brian Lagrotteria
Brad Pennington
Adrian Plata
Rodman Primack
Nicole Quinn
Rama Ramamurthy
Annabel Riordan
Jordan Rose
Sally and Toby Rosenblatt
Mary Kay and Charles Ruck
Susan and Robert Rushakoff
Erin Saito
Deborah Santana
Ozzie Sawyer Fund, a Donor-Advised Fund of Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Robert Schumaker
Louis Schump and Todd Hosfelt
Thomas K. Seligman
Emily Shepard and Michael Romanowski
Sisense SF
Allison and Dave Solomon
Lisa Spinali
Paige Sprincin
Katherine and Andrew Stephens
Matthew Stern
Howard Ting
Katie and Todd Traina
Nicholas Tuosto
Kelly Turtle
Jo Ann Uttal-Gold
Daniel Veltri
Roshun Vyas
Donald Waite
Marilyn Waldman
Mallary and Jonathan Walker
The Wampler Family
Skye Wanderman-Milne
Meredith and Samuel Weiner
Amanda Weitman
Robin and Peter Winokur
Noah Wintroub
Rezuan Wong
Frank Yellin and Mark Showalter
Theresa and Christopher Young

$499 and under
Anonymous (105)
The Acevedo Family
Michael M. Adams
Erica and Olivier Adler
Leila Ahmadifar
Philip Ahn
Tiffany Alunan
Ayme V Alvarez
Thomas Amaral
AmazonSmile Foundation
America’s Charities
Chris Amos
Danielle Ancin
Annual Reviews
Eric Antebi
Holly Anton
Elizabeth Armstrong
Leslie Arndt
Sarah Arnquist
Connor Ashenbrucker
Waverley Aufmuth and Jim Hugo
Erik Augustson
Jamie Austin and Ray Schreiber
James Bailon
Hilary and Fred Baldi
Jessica Ball
The Ball Family
Michael Bankert
Kari Barcelo
Lucy Barcelo
Elizabeth Barelli
The Barbara J. Barr Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Maia Barrow
Sylvia and John Barry
Greg Bartlett
Spencer Barton
Nikhil Basu Trivedi
Patricia Baxter
Jan and John Becker
Gillian Belcher
Chris Benjamin
Deborah Berkson
Mary Bevc
Shreyans Bhansali
Gigi Bizar
Dionisio Blanco
Daniela Blei
Hannah Blitzer
Mara Blitzer
Allison and Eric Bluestein
Annette Blum and Mike Pearson
Gary Blum
Scott and Jenny Blumenfield
Arlene and Albert Boro
Giselle Bosc
Meryl Botkin
James Brady
Ava Brecht
Kyla Brennan
Joseph Bringazi
Lisa Broock
Jared Brown
Janel Brynda
Mr. and Mrs. William Burkett
Jordan Burns
Linda and Tom Burns
Sophie Byrne
Pamela Calloway
Deidre Campbell
Carrie Cangelosi
Stephen Canges
Ann E. Carey
Debbie Carini and Andy Weissman
Matt Carson
Shea Caruthers
Paola and Charles Casey
Victoria Castillo
Julie Celia
Daniel Cervantes
Patricia Chamberlin
Steve Chan
Li Hsiang Chang
Nancy Chang
Alexander Chartz
Dakota Chase
Ming Chen
Richard Chew
Fei Chi
Cia Ee Ching
Theresa and Daryl Cisson
Joseph Cloughley
Jennifer Cohen
Paul Coleman
Ashley Colombo
Nicole Common
DeLisa Conway
Eric Conway
Brian Cooper
Michelle Coquelin
Natalina Cosenza
William Coughran
Henriette Cramer
Katie Crandall
Anne Cravero
Stephanie Crawford
Gareth Cross
Marshall Crutcher
Michael D’Adamo
Anoushka Daska-Coyle
Taylor Davidson
Kathleen Davisson
Alan Deal and Kevin Grawey
Rose de Heer
Tatra de la Rosa
Stefanie Demong
Kari Derenzi
Marc de Saint Phalle
Diego Devalle
Luke deWilde
Julie Doherty
Katrina Dolgushkin
Tracy Donahoe
Ken Donnelly
Jesse Dorogusker
Lucy Dotson
Christina Drake
Justin Dugyon
Mary Dunbar
John Eckstrom
Lisa Ehrlich
Ava Eichler
Michele and Harry Elam
Leslie Eme
Ensemble Capital Management LLC
Erica Eshoo
Brian Estlin
Peter Ewell
Richard Fagan
Humaira Faiz
Nancy and Gregory Falkenbach
Michael Fanning
Christie Fanton
Luke Felker
Gihani Fernando
Jason Fiedler
Amy Field
Camilla and Matthew Field
Jennifer Field
Jessica Fields
Annette Fine
Alexandria Fiorini
Ariane Fisher
Miranda Fix
Katherine Fleeman
Debbie and Jim Fleming
Stephen Fontana
Fortress Investment Group LLC
Foundry Group
Dana Fox
Jon Fox
Victoria and Nick Fram
Maurizio Franzini
Fremont Group
Lois and Michael Fried
Michael Fried
Sally Fuerstenberg
Elizabeth Funk
Bishwa Ganguly
Laura Gao
Melissa Garcia
Shaila Garde-Lester and Jack Lester
Angie Garling
Andi Georgiana
Hannah Gerson
Caroline Ghosn
Charles Gibbons
Claire Gibson and Joe Sanford
Carla and Barry Giller
Ryan Gillette
Givinga Foundation
Nathaniel Gleser
Good Today
Gorjana & Griffin Inc.
Kay Sprinkel Grace
Alicia Graham
Meagan and Andrew Grant
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
David Greenberger
Oshyan Greene
Lashonda Griffin
Michael Grino
Amanda Gulino
Mary Gullekson
Neha Gupta
Jason Gutstein
Michael Hall
Allyson Halpern
Josie Halpern-Finnerty
Scott Halstvedt
Shauna Hamilton
Robin Baker Hammerman
Peggy Hammett and Rudy Lacoe
Nancy Hanson
Laila Hardman
Barbara and Douglas Harper
Scott Harris
Pamela Hawkins
Hollie and James Haynes
Elizabeth Hegarty
Marjorie Helfet
Spencer Hemphill
Elizabeth and John Herb
Peter Hermann
Kevin Hickey
Thea Hillman
Drs. E. Ho and J. Lee
Michael Hoffman
Jessica Hogle
Samantha Hojo
Sharon Houston
Samuel Howlette
Amy Huang
Elise Hudson
Amanda Hughes-Watkins
Infinity Benefit Foundation Inc.
Kim Ish
Kathryn Jaller
Joshua Jenkins
Jerde Castor Family
Martin Joffe
Debra Johnson
Mia Johnson
Susan Johnson
Terence Johnson
Andrea Jones
Robert Jones
Michele and David Joseph
Andrew Kahn
Paul Kalifeh
Jenny Kang
Amelia Kardooni
Steven Kasapi
Aurora Kasten
Isaac Katten
Bruce Katz
Christia Katz Mulvey
Jordin Kelsey
Sierra Kephart-Clary
Brandon Kessler
Praveena Khatri
Gloria Kim
Lindsay and Todd Kimmel
Ruth Kirschner and Adam Lashinsky
Maria Kivel and Paul Barrie
Maureen Kleven
Jean Komatsu
Ann Kordahl
Debbie Koski
Sean Kramer
Laura Kroneberger
Kevin Kuate Fodouop
Sarah Kunst
Susanna Kwan
Celia Landesberg
Thomas Landis
Lane Charitable Fund
Taryn Langer
Carol and Herb Lau
J`aime Law
James Lawrence
Hope Ledding
Peggy Lee
Deborah Leland
Monica Lenk
Naomi and Rob Leonard
Jake Leos-Urbel
Sara and Josh Leslie
Patrick Letellier
Allison Leung
Gillian and Roger Levine
Eric Levy
Hope Lewis
Justin Lewis
Rachel Liddell
Lois and David Lilien
Justin Lim
Lisa and Shanahan Lim
Rachel Lin
Benjamin Liou
Sara Lipton-Carey
Adam Little
Jennifer Lobre
Debbie Lockwood
Robert Longnecker
Leela Longso
Taya and Sawyer Lurie
Judith Lynch
Rohan Ma
Sharon Macauley
Prateesh Maheshwari
Sandra Malstrom
Sarah Maltby
Melissa Mangini
Jordan Manikowski
Monique Manilla-Giggy
Jasmine and Paul Markovich
The Richard Marx Giving Fund
Jennifer Matos
Emma Matthieson
Samantha McBride
Taylor McFarland
Sarah and Chris McKay
Kelyse McKeon
Craig McNamara
Max McQuillan
Robin Medley
John Meloney
Emily Melton
Reiko Merritt-Crenshaw
Kimberly Merryman
Lynn Merz and Bill Kennedy
Felicity Lark-Hei Meu
Hunter Meyer
Nicholas Meyer
Paul Meyer
Maria Micale
Jeanne Miller
Kimberly Miller
Deborah Mintz
Shaila and Madhav Misra
Jessica Mitrovich
Anne-Marie and Ross Morey
Joseph Morgan
Shane Moriah
Nancy Morrell
James Morris
Robert Morton
Michael Mueller
Julia Murphy
Elias Nacif
Talia Nagar
Nemits Family
Stuart Newton
Michelle Ng
Chiara Nicastro
Natalie Nolan
Jean and Jeff Nugent
Doug Obegi
Lisa Odyniec
Andrew Olik
Kristen and David Oliver
One4All Charitable Fund
James O’Neill
Eloy Ontiveros
Charlene O’Rourke
Rose Marie Ostler
Lilli Ouyang
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Palitz
Jason Palm
Armand Papazyan
Sarah Papp
Lauren Parker
Alpa Patel
Sambit Patnaik
Cerkica Peace
Joanna Pearl
Chris Pederson
Jean Perata
Bill and Patti Peressini
Kim Peretti
Julia Perkins
Patricia Perozo
John Peterson
Lucy Phillips
Joy Phoenix
Vickie Pilotti
Khette Plyler
Pono Giving Inc.
Masha Popelyukhina
Sudesh Prasad
Rick Prostko
Becca Prowda and Daniel Lurie
Sherry Prowda
Zach Prowda
Nancy Prowitt
Hilary Quartner
Anne Quasarano
Megan Quinn
Melanie Ranen
Krishna Rao
Orit Ravid
Adriana Reeves
Cheryl Reiss
Hunter Rennison
Alicia Reza and Adam Speert
Sophie Rich
Carol Sue Richardson
Andrew Roberts
Eric Rodriguez
Pete Rodway
Deena Rosen
Vicki Rosen
Micah Rosenbloom
Jessica Roth and Benjamin Lawsky
Alyssa Roush
Laura Rubenstein
Harvey Rudman
Lisa Ruskin
Russ and Sandy Ryan
Charlie Rybak
Susan Sack
Molly and Dan Sadowsky
Chloe Safier
Veronica Salinas
Rene Sammons
Keith Sanders
Dave Santos
David Saxe
Devon Schaefer
Tiffany Schaefer
Anna Schember
Jennifer Scherba
Judith Schiller
Anna Schneider
David Schneider
Patricia Schoknecht
Nicole Schou
Elly Schowalter
Sachi Schuricht
Sarah Schwarz
Kathleen Schwille
Stephanie Scott
Erica Seidman
Caroline and Eduardo Serrano
Richard Sessoms
Laurine and Stephen Shannon
Abdul Sheikh
Sarah and Stephen Sherrill
Michelle Sheu
Amber Shields
Taylor Shoolery
Erik Siao
Spencer and Stacey Sias Fund
Bennett Siegel
Theresa and Ronald Sievers
Tracy Simmons
Tej Singh
Jessica Situ
Shirley Siu
Richard Skewes
Chris Skinner
Marian Scheuer Sofaer and Abraham Sofaer
Scott Solomon
Brian SooHoo
Misty Rose Spencer
Elaine Stanfield
Cathy and Sean Stannard-Stockton
Rusty Stapp
Kris Starr-Witort
Nancy Steele
Ethel and David Steinberger
Eric Steiner
Gabriel Steinfeld
Nicole Stephen
Jessica Stephenson
Teisha Stolich
Casey Strack
Christine Striebich
Lisa and Brian Sugar
H. Jane Sung
Penny and Peter Susko
Kendra Sutherland
Sally Swope
Beth Szymanski
Dean Talanehzar
Hannah Taylor
Nakeena Taylor
Julie Tenenberg and Mark Goodman
Jen Terry
Sandhya Thekkek
Tara Thomas
Robert Tibshirani
Allison Tom
Elizabeth Toomarian
Carol Toppel
Alexandra Topper
Eric Trabert
Kristy Trabert
Becca Truitt
Alice Tu
Susanna Tuan
Joseph Turner
Mary Turnipseed
Katherine Tyler
Susan and Richard Ulevitch
Carlos Uriarte
Faryl Ury
Mark Valentine
Theresa and Patrick Vallez-Kelly
Aidan VanBurger
Cres Van Keulen
Michael Vasquez
Kati Vastola
Jehan Velji and Eric Cicourel
Andrew Villamor
David Volk
Manish Vyas
Valerie Wade
Amit Wadhwa
Susan Kagan Waitkus and Matthew Waitkus
Betty Wan
Martin Waters
Elana and Daniel Weinberg
Julia Weis
Brian Weitzner
Chris Weldon
Irene and Russell Wells
James Wendt
Nicole Werle
Joe Werner
Charles Wexler
Pontus Wikholm
Cameron Williams
Maureen Wink
Benjamin Winston
Harry Winters
Matt Witheiler
Matthew Wittlin
Kerrilee Wong
Nicole Wong
Amy Woodrum
Heather Worker
Connie Wu
Ayme Yaiser
Jane Yam
Sorah Yang
Danny Yee
Yen Family Charitable Fund
Greg Yost
Nazhin Zarghamee
Scott Zimmermann
Evan Zinn

In-Kind Partners
Bonfire Labs
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
Marine Layer
Latham & Watkins LLP
Summit Construction LCC

In Honor Of
The Abel Family
Elizabeth Armstrong
Hilary Bates and Jerome Simon
Mark Grossman and Kate Battles
Wedding of Annette and Mike Blum
Bettina Bryant
Matthew Burns
Aaron Cooper and Eric Keitel
The marriage of Austin Dear and Brian Orr
Stefanie Demong
Nick deWilde
Margo and Sunil Dhaliwal
Joe DiMento
Doing Good Better - Fall 2019
The wonderful clients of Douglas Durkin Design
Ron Fein, Sr
Fire survivors
Julian Fix
Maurizio Franzini’s Mother
Cami and Greg’s Wedding Celebration!
Gabi Gebhardt and Antonio Uriarte
Ronan Giller Hacker
Brook Hartzell and Tad Freese
Chad and Melissa Herst
Jake Hobson
Marisa Howlette
John Burton Advocates For Youth
Martha Joseph
Bruce Katz
Dongyun Ke
Kim Cheng Family
Ella Krane’s Bar Mitzvah
Brian Lagroterria
Eddie Landesberg
LeMans Leroy Ivory
Nellie Levchin’s leadership
LightSpeed Ventures
Low Income Investment Fund
Daniel Lurie, and the Tipping Point adminstration and staff!
Jasmine Markovich
Martha, Nora, Ken, Thea and Adam!
Carl Martin and Clifford Eckstrom
Medical services in the Silicon Valley
Jerry Moss
The Parents of Rowena Ng
Erika Nielsen Andrew
Of those suffering
Jenny Oliver
The marriage of Annette Blum and Mike Pearson
Mike Pearson
Myra Pennington and Misha Fromm Lurie Kuiper
Alec Perkins, the father that inspires me
The Perkins Family
Barb Plowman
Valerie Qi
Alicia Reza
Phoebe Ross and Andrew Cooper
Kate Sadowsky
Daniel and Sam Sammons
Sara Fritsch at Schoolhouse
Bekah Sexton
Nadir Shaikh
Gail Skinner
Toni and Keith Slingerland
Jackie Speier
Jessica Stephenson
Dr. Ingrid Tauber
Cathy Topham
Katherine Tyler
Lilah & Cassie Ulbrich
Zoe W
Jeff Wang
Jerry Weintraub
Welcome to the world Harry!
Tiffany Wheat
Correne and Robert Whipps
Zoe Wong and Alex Chan
Juice Wrld and any other Rapper
Cody Zeger

Alameda County Community Food Bank
Aspire Public Schools
Beyond 12
Beyond Emancipation
Brilliant Corners
Burbank Housing Development Corporation
Caliber Schools
Canal Alliance
Center for Youth Wellness
Child Trauma Research Program
Coalition on Homelessness
College Track
Community Foundation Of Sonoma County
Community Housing Partnership
Community Solutions for Children, Families and Individuals
Compass Family Services
Covia Foundation
East Oakland Collective
East Oakland Youth Development Center
Episcopal Community Services
Equal Justice Society
Faithful Fools
Family Independence Initiative
First 5 Center for Children’s Policy
First Place for Youth
Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano
Foster America
Fresh Lifelines for Youth
Hello Housing
Homeless Prenatal Program
Hospitality House
John Burton Advocates for Youth
KIPP Bay Area Schools
La Luz Bilingual Center
Larkin Street Youth Services
Latino Community Foundation
Legal Link
Life Learning Academy
Linked Learning Alliance
Loaves and Fishes of Contra Costa
Mission Asset Fund
Monument Crisis Center
Monument Impact
Mothers of Color Healing Association
Napa Valley Community Foundation
National Center for Youth Law
National Skills Coalition
New Door Ventures
Next Step Learning Center
Nurse-Family Partnership
One Degree
On The Move
Opportunity Junction
Planting Justice
Positive Resource Center
RCF Connects
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
Rocketship Education
Rubicon Programs, Inc.
San Francisco Department of Public Health
San Francisco Pretrial Diversion Project
Seneca Center
SF State Guardian Scholars Program
SOMOS Mayfair
Spark* SF Public Schools
Stanford School of Medicine (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)
The Bread Project
The East San Jose PEACE (Prevention Efforts Advance Community Equity) Partnership
The Oakland Public Education Fund
The Unity Council
Think of Us
Transgender Gender-Variant & Intersex Justice Project
Ujima Family Recovery Services
United Council of Human Services
United Way of the Bay Area
University of Chicago
Upwardly Global
Urban Alchemy
WestCoast Children’s Clinic
Westside Community Mental Health Center
Year Up
YMCA of the East Bay
Young Community Developers

Capacity Building Partners
5th Invention
Allison Briscoe Smith, PhD
ARC Performance Coaching
Bay Area Legal Aid
Bellwether Education Partners
Berkeley School of Social Welfare
BuildingBlox Consulting
California School Age Consorstium
Cardenas Group
CCS Fundraising
Change Cadet
Commongood Careers
Community Science
Considea Consulting
Corporation for a Skilled Workforce
Dayspring Technologies
Diogenes Community Solutions
E3 Education
Ekoute Consulting
Engage R+D
Evolve Benton
Filament Consulting Group
Fiscal Management Associates LLC
Flourish Talent Management Solutions
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
Greater Good Coaching
Greg Merrill, LCSW
Ground Floor Public Affairs
JD Communications Strategies
Jen Weiss Consulting
Larry Robbins
Learning for Action
Legal Aid at Work
Legal Link
LightBox Collaborative LLC
Matchstick Communications
Mean Well Speak Well Do Well
Meena Srinivasan
Michelle Sambrano
Mighty Minnow
Mirad Consulting
Miriam Hernandez Dimmler, PhD
Natalie Bell
National Equity Project
ndn Integrated Lifestyle Studio
Next Step Partners
Project Evident
Project Legal Link
Promise 54
Public Profit
Redcliff Coaching
Robbin and Associates
Ryan Consulting Group
Saratoga DevOps
Schaeffer & Combs
Scott Garrel
Somerville Consulting Firm
Stanford School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Terri Feely
The Management Center
UCSF Child Trauma Research Program
US Wired
Venture Leadership Consulting
Visual Street Films
Wonder for Good

Board of Directors
Katherine August-DeWilde
Amy Banse
Tony Bates
Pete Briger
Kate Harbin Clammer
Shashi Deb
David Dolby
Abby Durban
Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins
Chris James
Oliver Jenkyn
Thomas Laffont
David Lamond
Nellie Levchin
Ronnie Lott
Daniel Lurie
Alex Magaro
Mick McGuire
Mason Morfit
Katie Schwab Paige
Amanda Peiffer
Alec Perkins
Gregg Perloff
John Pritzker
Eric Roberts
Will Rogers
Shipley Salewski
Lateefah Simon
Quincy Smith
Mariana Gantus Wall
Alan Waxman
Charlie Wolfson
Jed York

Leadership Council
Maria Echaveste
Michelle Gill
Nick Giovanni
David Glynn
Craig Grevelding
Wyatt Gruber
Arno Harris
Alex Constantinople Hoffner
Brandi Hudson
Matthew Kahn
Samir Kaul
Christine Leong Connors
Varun Marya
Drew McKnight
Gary Meltzer
Frances Messano
Aaron Moatz
Jenny Baxter Moser
Maryam Muduroglu
Dennis Phelps
Brett Rochkind
Gabe Santos
Jeremy Scherer
Nadir Shaikh
Holly Sheffield
Holden Spaht
Dorian Stone
Richard Yanowitch

William Alexander
Tanashati Anderson
Nick Arevalo
Jamie Austin
Kelly Bathgate
Liz Bender
Ali Best
Georgette Bhathena
Chris Block
Jonathan Brack
Ashley Brown
Xanadu Bruggers
Amelia Cady
Brittaney Carter
Nina Catalano
Edward Center
Alex Chan
Mona Chang
Sam Cobbs
Kara Dukakis
Tony Emerson-Zetina
Andrea Evans
Andrea Faiss
Chris Fielder
Mitch Findley
Marisa Giller
Liz Givens
Thea Hillman
Jake Hobson
Judith Huang
James Hugo
Vanessa Jacobson-Burns
Martha Joseph
Carol Kim
Debbie Koski
Nina Krauter
Cathia Lan
Jason Lee
Jacob Leos-Urbel
Kenneth Leung
Steph Lewis
Jennifer Lobre
Daniel Lurie
Ali Maiorano
Bryan Malong
Sam Malpiedi
Nora Martin
Sarah McKay
Chris Meierling
Janeen Mendoza Cruz
Matt Menezes
Hunter Meyer
Karina Moreno
Talia Nagar
Alicia Reza
Mayra Sierra
Joshua Steinberger
Becca Truitt
Maryam Uddin
Nic Winzey
Dedi Wong