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Research + advocacy that leads to change.

Tipping Point intervenes today to influence tomorrow. We fund policy organizations that champion poverty solutions. Research guides our grantmaking, ensuring every dollar we invest is backed by the latest learnings from the field.

Our Solutions are Backed by Research

When 1 million people in the Bay Area work full-time yet still face poverty, we need better pathways to financial security. That’s why Tipping Point is building a Bay Area where every student can earn a college degree, and workers gain skills and experience in emerging fields to unlock promising careers.


Bay Area Poverty Trends

From poverty rates by labor markets to the number of residents missing out on government benefits, each year, we research and publish the latest trends on poverty in the Bay Area so we can track our impact on the region.

Learn more about how the latest Bay Area poverty research informs our strategy to build prosperity for all.

Ensuring our Investments Get Results

Tipping Point conducts research projects that inform our investments and improve knowledge throughout the field. For continuous learning, we contract third-party evaluators to measure the results of our large-scale investments.


Holding San Francisco Accountable to Fighting Homelessness

Tipping Point’s dashboard highlights five key metrics from the City’s 5-year plan that, taken together, provide a strong indication of whether or not we’re moving in the right direction.

Scaling Impact through Policy + Advocacy

Tipping Point invests in organizations that are changing the systems and policies that prevent people from reaching prosperity. We also explore innovative new approaches and use data to spotlight the most effective solutions to poverty.

Rental Subsidy Pilot Program

Tipping Point was the lead seed funder of an Oakland pilot program that provides 200 households with a portion of their monthly rent to stop their displacement from Oakland and prevent them from experiencing homelessness.

Supplemental Income for Pregnant and New Moms

We are a co-funder of The Abundant Birth Project-Expecting Justice, providing seed capital to pilot a program that provides targeted basic income to Black and Pacific Islander women in San Francisco during pregnancy and after birth. The program was so successful that it has now been expanded into a statewide pilot.