At BACS, we go beyond serving ‘the whole person’ and wrap around their family, friends, pets, and entire community. The BACS team works in both behavioral health and housing, fighting to bring these systems together. We provide short term housing with the goal of moving to permanent housing, and we own over 50 single-family homes, crisis psych ERs to take the burden off of hospitals, and street outreach teams. And we see it every day—it's successful.
Our community invested over $31 million last year to fight poverty in the Bay Area.
Annual Impact Report 2024
Dear friends,
Last year, our community rallied together to invest over $31 million into the Bay Area, helping put our neighbors on a path out of poverty. I am thrilled to share Tipping Point’s 2024 Impact Report below, including both the numbers and the stories behind our impact.
But what do we mean by “impact?” It is not just a list of people served, dollars invested, or even programs completed. When Tipping Point gives out funding, we aim to understand what is different because of that investment.
After two decades in the Bay Area, we have seen countless examples of how Tipping Point’s work is changing the lives of our neighbors. But in order to tell the full story of our impact on poverty in this region, we need a broader view. This means comparing our numbers to regional and state averages, and investing in research so that we have the data to show which interventions are getting the best results.
Thanks to Tipping Point’s increased investment in research and data, we can confidently say that our portfolio of grantees is outperforming the status quo. We know what works. Not only are we investing in organizations that are getting results, but we are leveraging those results to direct more government dollars towards effective interventions. Last year, Tipping Point and our grantees advocated for over $280 million in additional funding for effective anti-poverty programs.
It goes without saying that there is more work to do. Tipping Point will continue to strengthen these organizations so that they can scale and serve more of our Bay Area neighbors. And we will continue to advocate for more funding, both private and public, for interventions that work.
Thanks for all you do,
Sam Cobbs
CEO, Tipping Point Community
Your Impact
Our community helped support thousands of Bay Area residents, and influenced new state and local policies that will have an impact for generations to come.
Last year, thanks to your investment in the
Bay Area…
organizations supported
Your investment goes further with us.
Last year, Tipping Point supporters helped our community turn investment dollars into meaningful impact.
Early Childhood$3.9M
Total of $31.4 million Invested
*Our housing investments include special programs focused on San Francisco housing and youth homelessness.
Our Strategy for Solutions
Tipping Point finds, funds, and strengthens the most promising poverty-fighting solutions so one day, everyone in the Bay Area can prosper.
~98 organizations received grant funding
Our team of experts rigorously vets every investment we make, ensuring we support solutions that will have the greatest impact.
$4.9M invested in management assistance
We provide grantees with expert guidance on topics including leadership development, fundraising, and impact reporting.
13 pieces of anti-poverty legislation were signed into law
We invest today to influence tomorrow through policy and advocacy organizations that are removing barriers to prosperity.
Our Focus Areas
Our investments address critical milestones in the course of a person’s life: a stable place to call home, a healthy start in the first years of life, a path to a college degree, and a job that earns a good living.

A promising future starts with a stable place to call home.
We invest in solutions that move people experiencing homelessness into safe, stable housing and prevent homelessness in the first place.
Our preventative support meant that 97% of grantee clients maintained their housing, compared with a rate of 86% across the Bay Area.
91%of people
55%of grantee clients

A Holistic Approach to Homelessness in the East Bay
Tipping Point grantee Bay Area Community Services (BACS) is a regional leader in solving homelessness.
BACS provides life-changing housing and homelessness prevention services alongside critical behavioral healthcare to support individuals in finding stability. After 70 years of working in California, BACS has become a leader in tackling the homelessness crisis head-on, including building the regional homelessness prevention platform. In 2018, they played a leadership role in developing Keep Oakland Housed, a successful targeted homelessness prevention program in Oakland, and expanding it to Keep People Housed, which serves the broader Alameda and Contra Costa counties.
This year, BACS made impressive impact in the communities it serves—74% of BACS clients moved from interim housing to permanent housing, compared to just 44% in similar programs.

A college degree opens doors to economic prosperity.
We invest in solutions that increase the number of low-income and first-generation Bay Area students who graduate from college.
Despite serving students with higher needs who face more barriers to graduation, our grantees have exceeded the statewide graduation rate of 56%.
93%of high school graduates
91%of students
1.8million low-income college students

A Long-Term Commitment for College Success
Tipping Point grantee College Track supports first-generation and low-income students to earn their college degree.
Starting their program in ninth grade, College Track makes a 10-year commitment to each student, providing academic support and financial and college advising to help students earn a college degree and build the skills to succeed long term. Tipping Point’s partnership with College Track has been instrumental in helping the organization grow from a first cohort of 25 ninth graders in East Palo Alto to nearly 5,500 alumni, high school, and college scholars nationwide. Our consistent and customized support, including helping College Track build its IT infrastructure to plan for long-term growth, has helped maximize College Track’s ability to achieve their mission and expand their program.
Last year, 99% of College Track’s high school graduates nationwide enrolled in college.

A thriving career gives families the opportunity to flourish.
We invest in solutions that support people to acquire the skills, training, and experience to advance their careers and wages.
Clients who completed job-training programs funded by Tipping Point saw a 133% wage increase three years post-training.
$27/houraverage wage
82%of people
It can take 4 minimum-wage jobs to make ends meet in the Bay Area. That’s why Tipping Point and our grantees are focused on building pathways to well-paying, career-oriented jobs in our region, so more workers can achieve quality employment with wages that can support them and their families.

Building Careers and Climate Resilience for the Bay Area
Tipping Point grantee Rising Sun Center for Opportunity supports Bay Area workers to access well-paying green jobs.
As government investments in solutions to climate change reach historic levels, demand for green jobs is growing quickly across sectors and industries. Rising Sun Center for Opportunity ensures Bay Area workers are well prepared to secure climate-related roles.
New to the portfolio, Oakland-based Rising Sun is building a climate-ready workforce in the Bay Area, ensuring low-income individuals—particularly women, people impacted by the justice system, and young people—can access well-paying jobs while increasing climate resilience for our entire community. Rising Sun’s programs include Opportunity Build, which prepares participants for career opportunities in construction trades, and Climate Careers, which offers young workers the opportunity to gain paid, hands-on work experience in green jobs.
Last year, the Opportunity Build program saw an 86% completion rate and a 71% job placement rate.
Early Childhood

The first few years of a child’s life lay the groundwork for their future success.
We invest in solutions that support families, caregivers, and children (ages 0–3) to reach essential child developmental outcomes.
For grantees serving primarily Black clients, 94% were born full-term compared to 88% of Black babies born in the Bay Area.
89%of infants
90%of babies
Ensuring All Young Children Receive High-Quality Care
Tipping Point grantee Izzi Early Education provides excellent infant and toddler care, as well as parent support for a high-need, low-income population.
When Charlie Cervantes enrolled his two children at Izzi, he was hesitant to get involved. Through encouragement from his children’s teacher, he agreed to come read to their class. He loved seeing the kids’ faces light up at his animated storytelling, and he began volunteering more often. Eventually, Charlie completed college courses and training to become a full-time, accredited teacher at Izzi.
But Izzi’s program is not just about supporting the children—Izzi works to build relationships with the whole family. Inspired by his own family’s journey, Charlie started the “Father’s Café,” a support group for Izzi fathers to discuss parenting and ways to connect with their kids. It is this type of program that allows Izzi to improve parent teaching skills, which helps children learn even when they are not at school.
Last year, 93% of Izzi parents achieved expectations in parent teaching skills.
Scaling Our Impact Through Policy Change
We scale our grantees’ collective impact by changing the conditions that hold poverty in place. As part of our efforts to create systemic change, we support leading advocacy organizations and specific policy changes that remove barriers to economic mobility for people across the Bay Area.
Expanding Supports for College Students with Children

Our Work
Tipping Point grantees California Competes and EdTrust-West successfully advocated for legislation (AB 2458) that expands financial aid access for student parents in California. In addition, the legislation empowers colleges to collect better data around the needs and available resources for student parents on their campuses.
These critical measures will help improve educational outcomes, such as college completion and degree attainment, and the well-being of student parents and their families (including half a million children), setting the foundations for multigenerational prosperity.
Helping Community College Students Earn Their Degrees

Our Work
Tipping Point grantee EdTrust-West continued advocating for implementation of legislation (AB 705 and AB 1705) that accelerates Math and English academic progress for California community college students.
Many community college students face unnecessary remedial class requirements that prevent them from enrolling in credit-earning courses. Black and Latinx students are disproportionately burdened by these requirements, delaying them from meeting their academic goals and graduating.
Protecting Proven Pathways to Stable Employment

Our Work
Tipping Point grantee California EDGE Coalition successfully advocated to preserve $25 million in the state budget for the CA Youth Apprenticeship Program. This protects funding for apprenticeship programs that demonstrate positive employment and earnings outcomes for youth.
Apprenticeships have lifelong positive impacts, in addition to high employment rates upon program completion and higher starting salaries than individuals who enter the workforce without a college degree. The state of California has a stated goal of reaching 500,000 registered apprenticeships by 2029.
Caring for the Emotional Needs of Young Children

Our Work
Tipping Point grantee First 5 Association of California successfully advocated for $56 million in funding under the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative to increase access to culturally responsive home-visiting services, improve coordination of services for families, strengthen child-caregiver relationships, and reduce health disparities.
Early childhood mental health services provide training and support to caregivers to promote healthy social and emotional development in children, preventing long-term negative mental health impacts. Culturally responsive practices focus on reducing disparities for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), and the LGBTQIA+ community.
Thank You
Our Board covers 100% of our operating costs, so every dollar donated goes where it’s needed most.

Gifts committed between July 1, 2023–June 30, 2024
Anonymous (2)
Crankstart Foundation
The Dolby Family
Keith and Priscilla Geeslin
Mimi & Peter Haas Fund
Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation
Visa Foundation
$500,000 - $999,999
Anonymous (2)
Arrow Impact
Abby and Egon Durban
The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
The Perkins Family
Dennis Phelps
Laszlo N. Tauber Family Foundation
Alana and David Trujillo
The Anne Wojcicki Foundation
$250,000 - $499,999
Anonymous (4)
Katherine August-deWilde and David deWilde
Michelle Boyers
Herald and Mei Chen
Shashi and Dipanjan (“DJ”) Deb
Bradley and Chris James
Beth and Oliver Jenkyn
Sara Johnson Kerrest and Frederic Kerrest
Liz and Thomas Laffont
Lyna Lam and Chris Larsen
Max and Nellie Levchin
Jordana and Mason Morfit
Amanda and Chris Peiffer
Ruth E. and David G. Plant Charitable Fund
Ben and Leah Spero
Alan and Charlotte Waxman
Danielle and Jed York
$100,000 - $249,999
Clay and Kelly Bavor
Bay Grove
Seth Boro and Jen Hamilton
John H.N. Fisher and Jennifer Caldwell
Andrew and Carolyn Chatham
Bill and Tammy Crown
Margo and Sunil Dhaliwal
Joelle Emerson and Aaron Levie
First Republic Foundation
Jon Gans and Abby Turin
Kirsten and Michael Green
Ahsha and Dylan Haggart
Jay and Michaela Hoag
Kathleen and Ted Janus
Justice, Justice Foundation
Puja and Samir Kaul
The Laluyaux Foundation
Erica and Jeff Lawson
Lynch Family Fund
Bob McDowell
John and Meredith Meeks
Heather and Oleg Nodelman
Bill and Susan Oberndorf
Katie and Matt Paige
Matthew and Stacy Perry
Donna Segal Podbere and Burt Podbere
Gerald and Jenny Risk
The Eric & Lulu Roberts Family Foundation
Ariadna and Brian Ruder
Maya and Ned Segal
Danielle and Gil Simon
Annice Kenan Smith
SoMa Equity
Andrew and Elizabeth Spokes
Ann and Joe Stockwell
Bret and Karen Taylor
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
$50,000 - $99,999
Anonymous (5)
Marten Abrahamsen and Jane Dunlevie
Craig Allison and Susan Shipley
The Louis L. Borick Foundation
Kathy Chiao and Ken Hao
Adam Clammer and Kate Harbin Clammer
Ryan Clark and Caroline Gaffney
Sam Cobbs and Lavonna Martin
Angela and Scott Crabill
Catherine and John Debs
Jason and Sarah DiLullo
Ali and Rocky Fried
Michelle Gill and Brian Davis
James H. Greene Jr. Fund
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and Arno Harris
Julie and Kurt Houtkooper
Chad and Elise Hurley
Heather and Jony Ive
Margot and Steve Kerr
Daniel Lurie and Becca Prowda
David and Kristin MacKnight
Apoorva Mehta and Becky Poplawski
Bill and Ursula Moffett
Ohana Real Estate Investors
Okta For Good Fund
Qatalyst Partners
Shreya and Sid Ramakrishnan
Jake and Robin Reynolds
Brett and Rivi Rochkind
Gabe and Melissa Santos
Nadir and Sobia Shaikh
Silver Lake Technology Management, L.L.C.
Dylan Todd Simonds Foundation
Elisa and Marc Stad
David Stiepleman and Carey Lifschultz
Dorian Stone
Tomlinson Family Foundation
Grace and Steven Voorhis
$25,000 - $49,999
Anonymous (2)
Sabrina Adriani and Jeremy Scherer
Alka and Ravin Agrawal
Another Planet Entertainment
Mickey Arabelovic and Karla Gallardo
Susan Blanco and Bill Lewis
The Ben and Jocelyn Blumenrose Donation Fund
Brandon and Sapna Boze
Bright Funds Foundation
Jason Cheng and Eurie Kim
Hoon and Junehee Cho
Molly Graham and Alan Clifford
Cotopaxi Foundation
Lauren Davis and Bill Heil
Andrew and Molly Dodson
Bruce and Elizabeth Dunlevie
Kathleen Egan and Rod Ferguson
Mary-Patton and Matt Eisen
Randi and Bob Fisher
The Ford Family
Jessica Goldman Foung and Alejandro Foung
David and Kristin George
Charlotte and Nick Giovanni
John and Marcia Goldman
Goldman Sachs
Pat Grady and Sarah Guo
Jane and Wyatt Gruber
Steve Harrick and Jennifer Min
Anne Howson
Hunter Family Foundation
Asim Husain and Sabah Mansoor
Jaswa Family Fund
Jordan Park
JPMorgan Chase
Kaiser Permanente
Greg and Karen King
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Rahul Kishore and Neha Shah
Andrew and Lauren Kowal
Katherine and James Lau
Kimberly and Todd Lawrence
Levi Strauss & Co
Caroline Fromm Lurie and Rabbi Brian Lurie
Lurie and Vogelsong Charitable Fund
Christopher and Nancy Meyer
Jenny Baxter Moser and Matthew Moser
Madelyn and Max Mullen
The Nussbacher Family
Ali Pincus
Michael and Paula Rantz
Ropes & Gray LLP
Rebecca and Tod Sacerdoti
Susan and Michael Schwartz
Bessie and Billy Seybold
David and Mary Beth Shimmon
Brandon and Danielle Shorenstein
James and Kaye Slavet
The Clark R. Smith Family Foundation
Ash and Parul Somani
Spectrum Equity
Stupski Foundation
TPG Capital L.P.
Jerome and Mary Vascellaro
Brian and Cynthia White
Patricia Wilson
Richard Yanowitch Family Trust
$10,000 - $24,999
Anonymous (8)
181 Fremont
Burt Alper and Jennifer James
The Altman 2011 Charitable Lead Trust
Jennifer Peak Barker Family Fund
Jeffrey Barnes
Alexander Barth
Jamie and Will Bartlett
Carol Bartz and William Marr
Elena Batalla and Daniel Little
Ethan Beard and Wayee Chu
Joachim Bechtle
Yves Behar and Sabrina Buell
Lily and Tom Beischer
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Bezos Family
Jennifer Bienaimé and Josh Fiedler
Bixby Jamison
Kathryn Bojack and Ravi Mhatre
Jeff and Julie Brody
Andy and Rana Brown
Kathryn Burge and Scott Eidson
Joseph Camarda
J. Scott Case
Sarah Chandler and Matt Theobald
Rob and Steff Chisholm
David Cohen and Lindsay Sutton Cohen
Ian Curry and Lisa Anderson
Angelos and Patricia Dassios
Geoffrey De Sousa
Colin and Erika Denman
Mike Dunleavy Jr. and Sarah Dunleavy
The Dye Family
Danelle and Matthew Ebbel
Jill and Rick Fair
Jill and Jeff Finegold
Calvin and Darien French-Owen
Satyan Gajwani and Trishla Jain
Sean and Allison Giese
Eva Gonda Green and Logan Green
Yael Goshen and Dylan Smith
Susan Greenleaf and Jeff Whipps
Vishal and Pantea Grover
Colleen and Robert D. Haas
Catherine and Rob Hale
Kathryn Hall and Tom Knutsen
Gabby and Peter Hébert
Doug and Leni Herst
Ross and Vicky Hiatt
Tori Burns Humphrey
Initialized Capital
Kate and Christian Jensen
Eric and Rachel Jones
Jim and Kristen Kelly
Derek Kennedy and Nona Lim
Chelsea and Scott Kohler
Chris and Eileen Kwei
B Lau Family Foundation
Vinney Le and Andy Wheeler
Jessica and Sam Lessin
Karen and Ronnie Lott
Spike and Vanessa Loy
LSP Family Foundation
Anja and Greg Manuel
Tara Mark and Geoff Oltmans
Martin Family Foundation
Justin and Kathleen McCarthy
Kelly McGinnis and Donald Santel
Mary Meeker
Vera and Kenneth Meislin
Arneek and Saloni Multani
Dan Newman and Amber Reed
Anthony and Kristin Noto
Satya and Jaime Patel
Annette Blum Pearson and Mike Pearson
Beverly Picardo, Kai and Gabriella Gibson
Andro and Kaycee Radonich
Kristin and Justin Renaudin
Mark Risher and Deborah Yeh Charitable Fund
Pat and Tina Robertson
Beatrix and Michael Seidenberg
Jessica Silverman and Sarah Thornton
Ian Smith and Leslie Witt
Allison and Dave Solomon
The Barry and Mimi Sternlicht Foundation
Sherry Suisman
Ellen and Steven Taylor
David and Susan Tunnell
John and Amy Underwood
Jake and Courtney Welch
Westbound Equity Partners
Brett and Melody Westervelt
Britt and Jeff Westsmith
Chris and Steve Wilsey
Ryan Wilsey
WPW Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (9)
Cathleen Ahearn
Nicholas Ajagu and Meena Harris
Julie and Nathan Aleman
Dennis and Laura Allaire
Adam and Rebecca Ballew
Carrie and Phin Barnes
Nicole Bennett
Ruth Berggren
Anthony Bernhardt and Lynn Feintech
Iain and Rebecca Bridges
Laura Brugger and Ross Sappenfield
Dayle and Jaime Burnes
Michelle and Peter Carter
Sandy and Harry Cheung
Amy Christensen and Drew Curby
Andy and Melissa Cohen
Bruce Cohen and Gale Mondry
Sasha Cohen and Geoff Lieberthal
James Cole
Marilyn A. Conrad Revocable Trust
Martine Darwish and Vlad Kroll
Nicole and Peter Dawes
Chris and Lara Deam
Catherine and Ralph Drybrough
Bryan Duquette and Morgan Clements Duquette
Nancy and Phil Estes
Franco Famularo
Alex and Heidi Fisher
Laura and John Fisher
Alix and John Flynn
Donald and Tomoko Fortune
Kimberly and Jonathan Garfinkel
Bianca and Jackson Gates
Glynn Capital Management
Amar and Komal Goel
Jeremiah and Josephine Gordon
Tanneasha Gordon
Merrilee Harris
Sandra C Hess
Patrick Jabal and Kristin Reinke
Scott Jacobs and Heather Pastorius
Gillian James and Dan Springer
The Janakiraman Foundation
Stefanie Jay and Matthew Kim
Bryan and Jen Keane
J.C. Kellogg Foundation
Kessler Family Foundation
Susan Ketcham
Melanie Kiser
Christopher and Katie Knight
Mary Jo and Richard Kovacevich
Darren Kuiper and Sonia Lurie
Michele and Steve LeSieur
Erez and Meredith Levy
Moira Lion and Anthony Schiller
Sally and Thomas Loverro
Alexander and Danielle Lurie
John and Linda Lynch
Rhiana and Theodore Maidenberg
Cassidy Ziemke Maner and Tarkan Maner
Karl Matthies Fund
Adam and Jennifer McDonough
Philip and Thayer Meicler
Paulette Meyer and David Friedman
Chris and Jason Mironov
Margaret and Peter Munzig
Mark and Tamara Murray
Native Sons of the Golden West (Presidio Parlor no. 194)
Josh Och and Lawren Tilney
Lisa and Travis Pearson
Karen Pell
Carl and Erin Press
Charlotte Haas Prime and Josh Prime
Jenny and Luke Proskine
Alice and Benjamin Reiter
Adrian and Archana Ridner
Rodde Family
Anna and Daniel Sanford
Alison and Stephen Sanger
Schauble Family Foundation
Emily Scott
Anika Shah and Seiyonne Suriyakumar
Stacey Silver and Jon Yolles
Cinthia and Tal Simon
Nisha and Paritosh Somani
Eric and Jessica Spaly
Ellice Sperber
Cathy and Sean Stannard-Stockton
Chloe and Mark Sugarman
Kurt and Kristina Tenenbaum
David and Meredith Thacker
Emily and Greg Waldorf
Alex and Lisa Yakubovich
Danielle Broude Yokell and Abe Yokell
Parisa and Ted Zagat
Dr. Jessica Nutik Zitter and Mark Zitter
$2,500 – $4,999
Anonymous (4)
Elizabeth Bender
Sarah Blaustein
Travis Brownley
Dr. Christine Carter and Mark Millstein
Jerde Castor Family
Janet Clyde
Aly and Eli Cohen
Susie Cole
Laurent Delamare
Chuck Doud
Basil and Robin Enan
Elizabeth Fattouh
Erin Baudo Felter
Robert and Michelle Friend Philanthropic Fund
Max and Nadia Gazor
Alex and Leslie Gleser
Nancy and Richard Goldcamp
Becky and William Heldfond
Brandi and Charles Hudson
Jared and Zoe Hyatt
Erica and Larry Katz
Karen and Liam Krehbiel
David LaHorgue
Charles and Feralee Levin
Alex Mandel
Maple Leaf Giving
Brad and Camille Marks
Ben and Jenni Marshall
Umberto Milletti
Fiona and Peter Montgomery
Hillary Ford Murphy and Chris Murphy
Rochelle Nadhiri
Lindsay Gerber Northart
Blair and Jason Oberman
Michael Oddo
Lauren and Paul Picciani
Alan Pierce
Piper Sandler Company
Penny Pogue
Susannah Raub
Peter Rigano
William Rogers
Tracy and Ali Satvat
Erik Tarloff and Laura Tyson
Beth and Blake Thompson
Julie Perkins Tucker
Tim and Julie Van Voris
Andrew Zloto and Amy Woodrum
Haley Yang
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (9)
Johanna Abbinante and Seth Cohen
Karen Aidem
Adeel Akhtar and Kate Mulheran
Sarah Alfaro
Matt Aljets and Amanda Constantinesco
Alicia and Eric Allbin
Harold Allen and Lauren Booker Allen
Azania Andrews and Martin Gilliard
Eric Antebi
Rich Anthony and Jenny Sievers
Ian and Jessica Arthurs
Christy and Jeremiah Atkisson
Brittany Bagley and David Gliklich
Kristin Baker and Ben Spohn
Daniel Baum
Sachin Bavishi and Manjari Rastogi Bavishi
Helen Bechtel
Cyrus and Katie Behroozi
Andrew Bender
David Bessel and Ishani Mittal
Carl Betzler and Lanise Laube
Dipankar Bhargava
Amanda Black and Ritankar Das
Andrew Boost and Elizabeth Ellis
The Boston Consulting Group
Lynne Bosworth and Kevin Kranzusch
Erik Bowen
Hayden and Ryan Brown
Christine Brynaert
Anne Marie Burgoyne and Brad Roberts
Mark and Pamela Calloway
Darcey Carr
Charles and Paola Casey
Kate Ceremsak and Alden Seabolt
Sujit Chakravarthy and Anita Tandon
Courtney Chandler and Tage Howerton
Jack Chang
Nancy Chang
John Chappell and Adelina Grozdanova
Brooke Chaudhri
Tina Cheung
Arsh Chopra
Aimee Rae Chua
Christopher Cocce and Sophie Lee
Katie Colendich and Albert D’Hoste
Alex Collins
Scott Common
Blair and John Connolly
Bill and Mary Conrad
Parker Conrad
Kyle Corcoran and Mary D’Onofrio
Dory Culver and Walter Nirenberg
William Davies
Tommy Davis
Danielle DeLancey and Berkeley Riley
Patricia Swig Dinner
Allegra Dobson
Adam Dodge
Elizabeth Dooley
Anthony Dorie
Andy and Betsy Doyle
Angela Du and Zachary Sun
Chris Duffner
Shaun and Steph Duncan
Maria Echaveste
Joan Emery
Alicia Engstrom and Hosain Rahman
Ensemble Capital Management LLC
Liz and Sam Epstein
Stephen Evans and Emily Sawtell
Adam Eyre and Aly Wagner
The Fan Family
The Alexandra and David Farber Fund
Josh Feldman and Dorey Schranz
Mikaela Ferguson
Carolyn Zecca Ferris
Annette Fine
Fraenkel Gallery
Melissa Francis
Kevin Franklin and Keehae Park
Charles Franz
Charles and Millie Froeb
Elizabeth Funk
Elizabeth and Michael Gallucci
Brooke and Jeremy Geller
Catherine and Luke Gilligan
Benjamin Goldsmith
Christopher Gong
Erica and Kenneth Gregory
Monique Gutierrez
Mitchell Habib
Kat Hantas and Quincy Smith
Jacqui Hawwa
Henderson Family Foundation
Frank and Maryellen Herringer
Steve Hilton and Rachel Whetstone
Yedda Ho
Jake and Kim Hobson
Carrie Holder and Bob Tracy
Josephine Holmes
Hero Shop
Chris and Patty Hubbard
Danielle Iovino and Eugene Shenkar
Emily and Eric Issadore
Madeleine and Peter Jacobson
Jeff and Su Jin Jez
Nicole Johnson Fund
Debbie Jones-Ohel and Nicole Ohel
Annie Kadavy and Kelton Lynn
The Kaplan Family
Jason Kapoor and Sharini Piyaratna
Svilen Karaivanov
Anne Marie and Jeffrey Katz
Allison and Jamie Keenan
Anita and David Keller
Paula Kenny
Aimee Kilmer
Candice and Dan Kimball
Jenn and Mike Kramer
Brian Lagrotteria and Jennifer Pak
Dick Lai
Cathia Lan
Dara and Enrique Landa
Jessica Lane
Francesca and Ryan Lanpher
Evan and Joan Lewis
Dave Lindberg
Robert Livingston
Peter and Petra Loer
Boris Logvinsky
Gina and Matthew Lytle
Ashley and Elvin MacDonald
Kristin and Wesley MacLaggan
Tancredi Mauro and Jeannette Revel-Mauro
Claire J. McConnell and Stephen L. Wolfe
Debra McCoy
John McGrath
Arvin and Payal Mehta
Umi Mehta and Ashi Waliany
Frances Messano and Maurice Tuiasosopo Bell
Rebecca Milian and David Roos
Lindsay Millar
Allyson Milligan
Julia and Taylor Moore
Stephanie Mull
Madelene and Todd Nabi
Galen and Matthew Neidlinger
Leslie Ng
Alison Och
Emil Ong
Ariana and John Onwualu
Tony Origlio
John Osterweis
Tika and Zaza Pachulia
Leah Palmer and Leo Spooner
Arvind and Varsha Patel
Brad and Leslie Pennington
Kevin and Nelli Perkins
Marissa Pittard
Sterling and Lisa Pratz
Putnam Daily
Judith and Mike Reddig
Alicia and Kameron Rezai
Anna and Jorge Robert
Marc Rollins
Cullen and Susan Rose
Fernando Sanchez
Catherine Sanger and Brandon Yoder
David Saxe and Melissa Blaustein
Albert Schaffer
Jason Scutt
Rama and Shalini Sekhar
Marc Sevastopoulo
Kyle and Mandy Shanahan
Feng Shi
Carl and Tracy Sjogreen
Justin and Sally Steele
Ellie and Nathan Stein
Jordan and Julia Stein
Joshua and Sacha Steinberger
Lindsay Stevens
Kelly and Scott Stratman
Emily Chang Stull and Jonathan Stull
Brian and Lisa Sugar
Chris Suh
Alexander Takayama
Laney and Pasha Thornton
Doug Tom
Marisol Trailer
Tineke and Will Triggs
Caroline and Steve Tsang
Robert Twilley III
Uncork Capital
Stephanie Versin
Benjamin Vivo-Wachter
Amanda and Frank Walters
Christopher Warner
Allison and Drake Watten
Anne Weis
Mary Wells and Robert Whitfield
T.J. Wenzel
Katy Congdon Williams and Michael Williams
Aaron Wong
Beth and Joe Wraga
Andrew and Lydia Wright
Christopher and Theresa Young
Jessica Yu
Alan and Judy Zafran
Kevin Zielnicki
$500 - $999
Anonymous (3)
Kyle Aldridge
Ben Anderson and Traci Brooks
Glenn Anderson and Nicole Grazioli
Ephraim Bahiru
Ayesha and Kevin Barenblat
Eric Barleen and Madeline van Alstine
Caroline Baron
Kelly Bathgate
Alexis Bechtol and Matt Sorgenfrei
Chris Becker
Amy and Tucker Beim
Gail and John Berger
Kathryn Huber and Larry Binkley
Natalie Bodington
Eileen Blum Bourgade
Claire and Ralph Brindis
Dante Briones
Kevin Burke
Renee and Richard Butruce
Jenny Calvert-Rodriguez
Jason Chandra
Lauren Chircus and Austen Head
Colleen and Dennis Cinelli
Kate Custus
Denzil D’Sa
Paul Dabrowski and Bethanie Maples
Andy and Beth Daecher
Jon De La Cruz
Russell Denhert
Louis DeNicola
Luke deWilde
Beth and Greg Deye
Jake Diamantis
Melanie Dodson
Jessica and Scott Engelman
Jose Espinosa
Andrew Ferrero and Lucy Moradian
Fireclay Tile
Caroline Fitz-Roy
Darby Gaynor and Andrew Glickman
Marisa Giller and Roger Hacker
John Ginochio
Rita Guiliano
Suresh and Usha Gupta
Vincent Gutierrez
Deborah Davis Han and Frank Han
Jeannette Harris
Laura and Scott Harrison
Sarah Herringer
Hilary Horn
Heidi Imbus
Stefan Jarschel and Devi Madhavan
Christina Jennings
Leigh Jennings
Bolu Johnson
Atul Kalambur
Hollyann Vickers Keng
Carol and Jason Kim
Hannah Kim
Ruth Kirschner and Adam Lashinsky
Donna Krause
Krause Foundation
Jennifer Ku
Brittany Kuykendall and Cody Saunders
Joseph Lam
Leslie Lambert
Roberto and Sarah Lartigue
Chandler Lee and Carolyn Stone
Carole Lévy
Jonathan Loke
Carolyn and Tony Lorber
Pat and Ron Malpiedi
Ted Manyon
Adam Marsch
Sara Mauskopf
Cassie and Collin McAlmont
Justin McBaine
Katie McCormack
Kevin McKay
Kori Meehan
Shub Mehta
Bibi and Eric Moore
Colin and Rachel Murfit
Doug Parizeau and Kara Shurmantine
Chris Pederson
Dina Pham
Lauren Pick
Belinda Presser
Rodman Primack
Catherine and Nate Prodromou
Alicia Reza and Adam Speert
Rohdin Giving Fund
Jessica Beth Romm
Nicholas Rose
Robert and Susan Rushakoff
Max and Randi Saffian
Erin Saito
Olivia Salfiti
Danielle Schlanger
Anna Schneider
Patricia Schoknecht
Woody Shattan
Mark Showalter and Frank Yellin
Kelly Siebert
Laura Spence
Caroline Stanley
Kelly and Todd Stavish
Beth Ann Steinberg
Jaclyn Tandler
Greg Teitel
Elizabeth Toomarian
Bob and Stella Tsakonas
James and Lauren Whitehurst
Jelena Zec
< $500
Anonymous (9)
Sheila Aharoni
Cora McHale Ahoobim
Thomas Amaral
Richard Andrews
Jennifer Aquino
Laila Audelo
Waverley Aufmuth and Jim Hugo
James Bailon
Lisa Barr
Stefanie Becker
Mary Bevc
Hannah Blitzer
Oliver Bollmann
Carolyn Bolton
Adam Brainerd
Carly Brown
Janel Brynda
The Reid & Jeeyun Burke Family Generosity Fund
Linda and Tom Burns
Brian Bustamante-Nicholson and Brooke Geahan
Daniel Cervantes
Mona Chang and Philip Strazzula
June Chen
Ella Clausen
Keller and Stephanie Clifton
DeLisa Conway
Sarah Coppock-Pector
Claire Coughlan
Rick Culler
Alysha Curtis
Neha Dalal
Vicki Daniel
Andre Davis
Gavin Deeb
Stephanie Dennis and Frank Marquardt
Dominique Equarte
Lara Ettenson
Denise Eyton-Lloyd
Richard Fazio
Alexander Fitzhenry
Edward Fluet
Makiko Fujimoto
Edward Garcia
Luis Garibay
Jennifer Gelbard
Michael Gilpin
Give Lively Foundation
Katie Goldstein
Alexandra Golitz
Mark Goodman and Julie Tenenberg
David Gridley and Gail Halava
Robert Hainer
Peggy Hammett and Rudy Lacoe
Hanson Bridgett LLP
Caroline Harrington
Karen Harvey
Matt Hendricks
Stephanie Higgins
Alex Immerman
Carolyn Jaynes
Scott Johnson and Mary Mathaisell
Andrea Jones
Helen Juan
Jenny and Theo Jungeblut
Armaan Kalra
Ebony Kavianpour
Rollie Killeen
Ellen Klages
Myrto Koimtzoglou
Ann Kordahl
Svetlana Korshakova
Andrea Kraus
Johanna Lacoe and Jake Leos-Urbel
Katie Lee
Deborah Leland
Naomi and Rob Leonard
Andy Levine
Gillian and Roger Levine
Brandon Levy
Lois and David Lilien
Sharon Macauley
William Magrath
Jennifer Mancuso
Isabel Mandelli
Brandeis Marin
Miriam Maring
Lisa and Paul Markovich
Chris and Sarah McKay
Shawn Melamed
Felicity Lark-Hei Meu
Madhav Misra
Julia Moore
Beau Morra
Nancy Morrell
Robert Morton
Miller Moss
F. Lee Moulton
Loretta Mullins
Clarissa Nantes
Jessica Nelson
Dirk Neyhart
Alice Nguyen
Erica Nunez
Charlene O’Rourke
Carolyn Ovaitt
Jean Perata
The PG&E Corporation Foundation
Nancy Prowitt
Ramp Business Corp.
Tess Reynolds
Morgan Romey
Sandy and Russ Ryan
Susan Sack
Kimberly Schenk
J M Schmauder
Wolfgang Seitzer
Thomas K. Seligman
Stephen Sherrill and Sarah Wendell Sherrill
Linda Soldo
David Solow-Cordero
Gail Splaver
William Spurzem
Anita Stapen
Brent Stapleton
Scott Stokell
Natalie Stringer
Ali Sutton
TisBest Philanthropy
Allison Tom
Carol Toppel
Denise Trani-Morris
Teresa Trujillo
Meghan Uribe
Lena Verstappen
Floy Wakuya
Jeff Wang
Linda Wang
James Ward
Stanley Wayne
Daniel and Elana Weinberg
Marcel Wilson
Matthew Wittlin
Rezuan Wong
Jean Yamasaki
Eugene Yoon
Joseph Yost
Amigos de Guadalupe Center for Justice and Empowerment
Bay Area Community Services
Beloved Birth Black Centering
Beyond 12
Braven, Inc.
Caliber Schools
Canal Alliance
Child Trauma Research Program, EMBRACE
College Track
Compass Family Services
Esq. Apprentice
First Place for Youth
Growth Sector
Homeless Prenatal Program
Improve Your Tomorrow
Izzi Early Education
KIPP Northern California
Larkin Street Youth Services
Latino Education Advancement Foundation (LEAF)
Life Learning Academy
Making Waves Education Foundation
Nurse-Family Partnership
Opportunity Junction
Rising Sun Center for Opportunity
SF State Guardian Scholars Program
The Forestry and Fire Recruitment Program
The Unity Council
Upwardly Global
Year Up
YMCA of the East Bay, Early Educator Apprenticeship
California EDGE Coalition
First 5 Center for Children’s Policy
Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California
The Education Trust-West
3rd Street Youth Center and Clinic
Abode Services
All Stars Helping Kids
Bay Area Community Resources
Bill Wilson Center
BlueGreen Alliance
Booker T. Washington Community Service Center
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Peninsula
California Black Freedom Fund
Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice
Children Now
Climate Resilient Communities
Contra Costa County Health, Housing and Homeless Services
Covenant House California
East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation
East Bay Housing Organizations
East Oakland Collective
Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation
Enterprise for Youth
Five Keys Schools and Programs
Foundation for California Community Colleges
Fresh Lifelines for Youth
Hamilton Families
Hawai’i Community Foundation
Health and Human Resource Education Center
Homeward Bound of Marin
John Burton Advocates for Youth
Kristi Yamaguchi’s Always Dream
Marin City Climate Resilience
Marin County Cooperation Team
Mental Health Association of San Mateo County
New Door Ventures
Nobility Educational Foundation
Oakland Literacy Coalition
Oakland Thrives
Open Door Legal
Our Roots
Play Marin
Razing the Bar
Rubicon Programs, Inc.
RYSE Center
Samaritan House
San Jose Conservation Corps and Charter School
San Pablo Economic Development Corporation
Sausalito Marin City School District
St. Mary’s Center
St. Paul’s Oakland
Third Sector Capital Partners
Transgender Gender-Variant & Intersex Justice Project
University of Southern California Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy
Urban Alchemy
We Hope
Young Women’s Freedom Center
Katherine August-deWilde
Kelly Bavor
Michelle Boyers
Herald Chen
Kate Harbin Clammer
Shashi Deb
Abby Durban
Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins
Joelle Emerson
Chris James
Oliver Jenkyn
Ronnie Lott
Daniel Lurie
Sean Mendy
Amanda Peiffer
Alec Perkins
Gregg Perloff
Dennis Phelps
William Rogers
Shipley Salewski
Gabe Santos, Chair
Ned Segal
Divya Silbermann
Gil Simon
Lateefah Simon
Ben Spero
Michael Tubbs
Charlie Wolfson
Jed York
Pete Briger
Thomas Laffont
Nellie Levchin
Mason Morfit
Katie Schwab Paige
Eric Roberts
Alan Waxman
Mariana Gantus Wall
Mickey Arabelovic
Susan Blanco
Carolyn Press Chatham
Jason Cheng
Elizabeth Dooley
Jane Dunlevie
Maria Echaveste
Michelle Gill
Nick Giovanni
Tanneasha Gordon
Craig Grevelding
Wyatt Gruber
Brandi Hudson, Chair
Su Jin Jez
Matthew Kahn
Samir Kaul
Rahul Kishore
Lauren Kowal
Frances Messano
Jenny Baxter Moser
Maryam Muduroglu
Monica Nayar
Sid Ramakrishnan
Brett Rochkind
Nick Rose
Brian Ruder
Jeremy Scherer
Nadir Shaikh
Parul Somani
Dorian Stone
Brian White
Richard Yanowitch
Nick Arevalo
Clare Armbruster
Julieta Barcaglioni
Liz Bender
Jenna Bolyarde
Carly Brown
Nina Catalano
Mona Chang
Sam Cobbs
Colleen Coffey
Kimberly Davis-wells
Sophie Deixel
Kara Dukakis
Leslie Eme
Marin Garcia
Katherine Georgiev
Stuti Ghoshal
Liz Givens
Justine Gonzalez
Jake Hobson
Erica Hooton
James Hui
Ash Hyatt
Becky Jaques Hasak
Erin Kaneshiro
Lindsey Kessel
Carol Kim
Jason Lee
Jake Leos-urbel
Kenneth Leung
Julie Lo
Jennifer Lobre
Emma Lundberg
Bryan Malong
Sam Malpiedi
Nora Martin
Hunter Meyer
Suman Murthy
Talia Nagar
Rohit Naimpally
Angela Pan
Puja Rao
Wendy Robinson
Caressa Sanchez
Patricia Sarion
Kathy Sun
Ali Sutton
Lara Tannenbaum
Sam Tatum
Meg Thomas
Allison Thompson
Quynh-chi Tran
Julie Ann Valdez
Bing Wang
Dedi Wong
A Better Monday
Advoc8 Consulting
Aprium Advisors
Bridgespan Group
BuildingBlox Consulting
Campbell & Company
Cardenas Group
Cause Advisors
CCS Fundraising
Community Wealth Partners
Considea Consulting
Design Action Collective
Diogenes Community Solutions
Edgility Consulting, LLC
Erica Nunez
Farallon Strategies
Full Potential Ventures
Habibi Digital
Hayes Impact
Head+Heart Advisory, LLC
Innovation Bridge Inc.
Institute for Nonprofit Practice
James Bell Associates
Jane Fischberg
Joshua Steinberger
Legal Link
LightBox Collaborative, LLC
Line of Sight Consulting
Lisa Beth Hoffman
Mountaintop Coaching and Consulting
Nancy Latham
Pamela Calloway
Project Evident
Public Profit, LLC
Ramani Consulting
Shelagh Little
Stanford School of Medicine (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)
StarrWise Solutions
Strategic Impact Consulting
Tess Reynolds
The Field Design
The Grove Consultants International
The Raben Group, LLC
Third Plateau
Thrive Paradigm
Venture Leadership Collective
William Clay Kilby