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Raising $30 Million

PUBLISHED: Mar 26, 2020

Tipping Point Community was built for this. With your support, we have responded in moments of crisis and stepped up when our community needed us most. And as Governor Newsom reminded us in our Community Briefing this morning, it’s more important than ever that we’re rowing in the same direction, as one community.
In response to the COVID-19 crisis, Tipping Point Community is raising $30 million as quickly as possible. The campaign has two goals: to stabilize the ecosystem of local non-profits and to get cash directly into the hands of individuals who need it most. We want to provide resources to people so they can feed their families, access childcare, and get shelter in the wake of the pandemic.
Given the fast-moving nature of this crisis, we will keep you informed about what low-income Bay Area communities are facing right now, what Tipping Point is doing, and how you can help.
I’ll share more with you all soon. Until then, be well and please, donate what you can. Thank you to those who have already made generous contributions.


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