We impacted the lives of 91,000 residents last year alone.
Transforming Lives Across the Bay Area
Tipping Point is committed to building a Bay Area where everyone can prosper. Last year, our investments funded life-changing services in housing, early childhood, education, and employment for 91,000 of our neighbors across the Bay Area. These milestones are just snapshots of our impact over the last year.

Snapshot on Housing
Ensuring everyone
has a home.
9,393 people housed
We invest in solutions that move people experiencing homelessness into safe, stable housing and prevent homelessness in the first place.
Our work provided 9,393 people with services that either helped them transition out of homelessness or prevented them from experiencing it.

Snapshot on Education
Expanding pathways
to college.
64% college graduation rate
Students who enrolled in Tipping Point-supported programs have a 64% college graduation rate.
Despite serving students with higher needs who face more barriers to graduation, our grantees exceeded the statewide graduation rate.

snapshot on Early childhood
Providing early support for children and parents.
94% of Black babies born full-term
For grantees serving primarily Black clients, 94% were born full-term, compared to 88% of Black babies born in the Bay Area.

Snapshot on Employment
Increasing access to
livable wages.
133% wage increase
Clients who completed job-training programs funded by Tipping Point saw a 133% wage increase three years post-training.

Our Impact
Together, we can make the Bay Area better for all of us by investing in solutions that create transformative pathways out of poverty.
Achieving Impact in the Bay Area
We are data-driven, holding ourselves accountable to support individuals today, and strengthen nonprofits and solutions to increase impact tomorrow.
Impacting Individuals
Funding organizations that directly support people facing poverty right now, creating immediate pathways out.
Impacting Organizations
Supporting organizations and leaders doing the most effective, promising, equitable work to fight poverty.
Impacting Systems
Advancing the policies and conditions that create prosperity.

Building a Place of Possibility
Our impact is seen in the people our grantees serve every day, in the growth of an organization and their leaders, and in the policies that will impact our community for years to come.
Oakland-Born Advocate, Terriana Briggs Helps Homeless Youth Find a Fresh Start
Our youth homelessness initiative helps Bay Area youth move from homeless to housed. Watch how advocates connect young people with services and stable housing.
Read more about Oakland-Born Advocate, Terriana Briggs Helps Homeless Youth Find a Fresh Start
Fighting Poverty Today, Influencing Policy for a Better Tomorrow
Hear from Tipping Point Chief Program Officer, Ali Sutton, on our strategy to intervene today while also preventing the conditions that cause poverty in the first place.
Read more about Fighting Poverty Today, Influencing Policy for a Better Tomorrow
Peer Mentors Break the Cycle for Homeless Youth
Before David helped youth move from homeless to housed, he struggled with housing insecurity himself. Watch how peer mentors connect young people with the services they need to move into stable housing.
Read more about Peer Mentors Break the Cycle for Homeless Youth