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Looking Back at Our Collective Impact

PUBLISHED: Jun 04, 2024

Tipping Point’s strategy is to find, fund, and strengthen over 80 organizations across the Bay Area that help our neighbors reach key milestones, like moving into first apartments or landing well-paying jobs. Our shared community’s collective impact has resulted in over 90,000 of our neighbors getting on a path out of poverty last year alone.

For many in our community, the changing of the seasons brings much to celebrate—graduates embarking on their futures, teachers savoring their hard-earned breaks, and families enjoying quality time together.

As we wrap up our fiscal year 2024, we’re reflecting on a year filled with exceptional moments, memories, and milestones that our community made possible. Before you kick-off summer, take a look at what we’ve accomplished together in our 2024 recap.

Raising $14.5 Million for Life-Changing Solutions

On May 2, 2024, our community came together at the Tipping Point Benefit and told a story of pride in and commitment to our region, with every dollar raised going directly to the organizations and solutions we support. We were proud to highlight the work of our youth homelessness initiative, which helps young people across the Bay Area secure and maintain stable housing. Hear from Terriana Briggs and David Trujillo of the Mental Health Association of San Mateo County, as they shared how the right interventions changed the trajectory of their lives and put them on the path to help other young people get a fresh start of their own.


Strengthening the Impact of Our Grantees

We help our grantees maximize their effectiveness by taking our support beyond just dollars. From leadership offerings—like the POC-Led Executive Fellowship program which celebrated the conclusion of its second cohort in May—to customized trainings, such as a new workshop we hosted to understand how A.I. learning can increase outcomes, our tailored resources help grantees unlock their full potential across the sectors they work in.




New Poverty Research + Accountability Tools

We invest in research and accountability tools to better understand poverty and the interventions that can move the needle. Our homelessness dashboard, updated quarterly, assesses the City of San Francisco’s progress in its 5-year plan to reduce homelessness. In January, we published our new report on poverty in the Bay Area that proves the effectiveness of government interventions in reducing the rate of poverty across our region.




On the Forefront of Poverty-Fighting Solutions

Recognized as one of 2024’s San Francisco Business Times’ “Power 100,” our CEO Sam Cobbs was also highlighted at this year’s UBS Philanthropy Forum, sharing insights on achieving transformational impact. Our Chief Program Officer Ali Sutton, former California Deputy Secretary for Homelessness, participated in a convening on homelessness at UC Berkeley. Tipping Point’s cutting-edge approach is recognized within our sector and by our grantee community. Results from a confidential survey of our grantees placed Tipping Point at or near the top of more than 300 peer foundations for impact and grantee relationships.


Cultivating Our Community

Our community’s faith in a thriving Bay Area is our biggest strength. Helpers of all ages gathered at our family volunteer event last September to package care kits for grantee clients embarking on life milestones, from welcoming a baby to moving into a new home. At our annual Tipping Point Breakfast in December, stories of inspiration and action from our grantee community reminded us what’s possible when we invest in each other.





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