Transparency and accountability. Every dollar donated supports solutions in the Bay Area.
100% Invested
Because Tipping Point’s Board covers all of our overhead, 100% of your gift goes directly to fighting poverty in the Bay Area.
We Do the Homework
There are thousands of great organizations, effective leaders, and important ideas that have the potential to create opportunities, but we do the homework for you by rigorously vetting every investment we make.
We Get Results
We build deep partnerships with our grantees and provide customized support to increase their impact on the community. Ultimately, we hold ourselves accountable to reducing poverty.

Our Impact
Together, we can make the Bay Area better for all of us by investing in solutions that create transformative pathways out of poverty.

Tipping Point partners with our portfolio grantees to help them strengthen their impact. Connect with a gift officer to learn how we live out our promise within our own organization.
Federal Tax Returns
Tax forms reflect that our fiscal year begins July 1. For example, FY21 990 refers to the period from July 1, 2020– June 30, 2021.
To access printed tax returns or for questions about Tipping Point’s finances, please email